We all crave connection because it’s fundamental to who we are as humans. As bearers of God’s image, we reflect His nature when we form meaningful relationships with others. At the heart of Christian leadership is the call to love and serve others, just as Christ did for us. By embodying this grace and love, we empower others to flourish and live out their full potential. At our core, we are all designed for connection and community.

At BCSL, we understand that leadership isn’t about titles or positions - it’s about serving others and helping them achieve their full potential. As Christians, we follow Christ’s example of putting others first and prioritizing their well-being above our own. This kind of leadership requires vulnerability, empathy, and a willingness to learn and adapt. We create thriving learning communities where everyone can flourish by cultivating humble leaders who come alongside others to support their growth and development.

We don’t just talk the talk - we walk the walk through our commitment to conducting research that impacts the lives of students and leaders in all types of schools. As a unique institution positioned within a top-tier research university that is unapologetically Christian, we have the resources and expertise to tackle the most pressing challenges facing education today. Our team of resident and non-resident scholars work tirelessly to produce research that contributes to the well-being and flourishing of students and educators alike. Through generous donor funding, we have already built thriving school communities in Mississippi and Texas, and we’re constantly collecting evidence of the impact of our innovative programs and approaches. Our peer-reviewed publications serve as valuable research tools for schools seeking to enhance their practices and outcomes. We’re not satisfied with just theorizing about education - we’re committed to conducting research that translates into real-world impact.

Catalytic leaders fuel growth by working alongside others to improve their work. We encourage iterative cycles of reflection, risk, and revision to create a learning organization built on improvement science. By tapping into intellectual curiosity, we help identify problems, research evidence-based solutions and foster reasoned discourse. Of course, being a catalyst isn’t just about helping individuals; it’s also about advocating for every student’s needs. We work tirelessly to promote good policies at all levels of government, and we always keep students flourishing at the forefront of our decision-making. Ultimately, leadership is about shared influence and improving decision-making processes.

At the BCSL, supporting leaders is the key to creating schools that do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly. We strive to be a catalyst for this kind of leadership by offering five essential ways to support leaders in all types of schools around the world. Through our efforts, we empower leaders to create learning environments where students can thrive and flourish academically and personally. Join us in our mission to transform education and unlock the full potential of our students.