Just Leadership
Save the Date! Just Leadership-February 3, 2025!
Just schools require just leadership.
The Baylor Center for School Leadership saw a need to design a one-day professional learning event for school administrators – from instructional coaches to superintendents – that focuses on catalyzing change as a leadership team.
Led by Dr. Jon Eckert and the Baylor Center for School Leadership team, you will use tools based on research presented in Jon’s book, Just Teaching, as well as new tools from his next book. This approach will equip your team to improve and progress toward your goals with greater engagement and effectiveness.
We will host school leadership panels of superintendents, principals, and other instructional leaders to tackle how to make teaching and administration inviting for the next generation, AI, cheating, smart phone use, and time management. Most importantly, we will talk about leading in just ways, joyfully, for flourishing communities in the profession that makes all others possible.